Metamask Chrome Extension

Metamask Extension puts the power of Ethereum in your hands. Safely manage your crypto assets, participate in DeFi, and enjoy a seamless blockchain experience.

Using MetaMask in Web Browsers

MetaMask can be used as an extension in several popular web browsers, enhancing your interaction with decentralized applications (DApps) by acting as a bridge between your browser and the Ethereum blockchain. Below are the steps to install and use it:


  1. Go to the Official MetaMask Website: Open your preferred browser and visit

  2. Download the Extension: Click on the "Download" button. You will be directed to choose your browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Edge).

  3. Add to Browser: Click on the "Add to " button. Confirm any permissions if prompted.

Setting Up:

  1. Opening MetaMask: After installation, click on the MetaMask icon in your browser’s extension tray.

  2. Create a Wallet: Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet or import an existing one.

  3. Secure Your Wallet: Make sure to write down your backup seed phrase and keep it in a secure place.


  • Access DApps: You can now visit DApps websites and connect your MetaMask wallet to interact with them.

  • Transact: Send and receive Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens directly from your browser.

Compatibility of MetaMask Chrome Extension

MetaMask is widely compatible with various web browsers, thanks to its availability as a Chrome extension. Here's what you need to know about its compatibility:

  • Chrome: Fully supported. The MetaMask extension is primarily designed for Chrome, offering seamless integration.

  • Brave: Compatible. Brave is built on the same Chromium framework as Chrome, ensuring full functionality.

  • Firefox: Compatible with limitations. While Firefox supports MetaMask, the experience might slightly differ due to its unique browser architecture.

  • Edge: Supported. Since Edge has moved to the Chromium engine, MetaMask works well on this browser too.

Note: Always ensure your browser is updated to the latest version for the best experience with MetaMask.

Last updated